Babysitter Abuse
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Gepubliceerd door iamzeroq
Hello, I'm Tau from Trip. I believe you have already met my husband Otto.
Can I trust that you had a good trip?
Uh, yes.
Let me go over the ground rules of this household with you.
I expect 100% and total obedience of you. Do you understand?
There are no **********. And most importantly, no boys.
I absolutely do not want my **** to be infiltrated by any kind of lifestyle.
You are going to dress accordingly. There is no walking around in lingerie or anything inappropriate like this.
So we're going to have to talk about this later.
The other thing that I want you to know is that we have a very strict and tight schedule.
I need you to read this and by tomorrow you have to learn that schedule and I expect you to know.
On Sundays we go to church, you are free to join us but it's your day off.
You can go to the library but other than that there is no partying and no messing or fooling around anywhere.
You report to me or my husband where you are at all times, we should be able to get a hold of you.
Do you understand that?
I do not like to repeat myself so you better listen to all the things that I have to say now.
And another very important part of our household is there is no cursing.
Every time that me or my husband hear you curse we will take five dollars off your pay.
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- 43:24